[JOJO GW FM] Squalo and Tiziano

"Anonymous source tipped this: ‘message here’ "

Is what DatBird will post in the main forum, in bold big letters

Actually no normal cycle doctor would visit you…


Maybe it would pass on me, but again, noone really will shoot me.


Thoughts on just outing our flavor since we are solving our second hood via flavor?

If flavor isn’t indicative of allignment it’s kind of weird that we have these smaller chats with flavor characters.

And what do you mean second hood?

Of aligment not.

But your character stand is apparently talking head and you are social role.

My character has a stealth teleporting shark which can… stealthily check stuff.
Ehhh, screw it, I can see the visits.

My role is called wet reconnaissance and lover.

Flavor is very much role indicative.

Like you said with suicide bomber.

So are you confident that I am an ally or not at this point?

We should also figure out what we’re doing during nightphase together

Let’s see how day unfolds before doing nightplan.

Unless you need to submit actions in advance?

It looks like I don’t, I’m still in regular game mindset.

Is your 2-person chat a day or night ability?

If it’s day, yes you need to chose it in advance (during day)

So I was unaware of this but we could kill eachother now using claimvigging, also the text says “for the rest of the night” so I wouldn’t need to

Funny idea would be to swap claims around and then we can just claim freely without any of this being claimviggable.

Ofc we ommit the lovers part.

But maybe we woudl waste some claimvig shot this way.

I just was trying to figure out what claimvigging was

Claimvig is usualy a mafia vigilante who can attack only people who claimed truthfully theirs role.

so you need to have a role specifically allowing you to do it, or can anyone do it?

For example if I swapped it around and said I am the one who creates chats and sends messages, while you would claim the invest results…

We are not claimviggable, since we are not telling the truth.

I am not chat creator after all.

Wouldn’t they know we’re lying since we aren’t dead from a claimvig?

It’s usually a role of scum factional ability.

They would.


We can still out our results easily this way too.

They would waste theirs claimvig.

As per usually you can submit only one ability per phase.
Now imagine claimvig submitting kill on me claiming I can create chats.

Can it kill me succesfully? No, it’s not truth.

And now claimvig has to wait one more day/night before they can shoot again.

Basicly lowering mafia-made kills by one.