[JOJO GW FM] Squalo and Tiziano

I’m not sure as I’m new to forum games, but how many evils are there normally. I heard the show doesn’t have many good people in this arc

betwen 19 and 25% of players

If you ask why I’m asking about this, it’s becouse this nicely shows PoV of other players.

Most of them assumed I’m talking about bomber.
It kinda point to you being town, since people didn’t know what I’m talking about.
I assume if you were scum, they would know by now about us.

Good enough.

Wait what, I’m confused what you’re talking about, in another conversation?

I asked in main thread what happens if I knew other scum and could kill them rn, but that would also kill me.
On the other hand I will be alive as long as they are alive.

They assumed that I am suicide bomber, not that we are lovers.
Good look for you.

Oh, I havent read like 70% of the main forum lol

I follow it more or less.

So should I try to be active in main thread to avoid dying or should I stay quiet, or does it not really matter

Imo you should stay active.
I can try to protect you and vice-versa from lynch.

The problem is that I need to lay lower than usual, to avoid nightkill.
While you have to stay active to avoid it.


We could claim masons if there is lynch possibility, but tbh…

That would make us even bigger kill target.

You’re an investigative role right, do you have the ability to protect me at all. I can’t do Jack for you.

and im definitely not trying to fake a role this game

I’ll claim some type of mystic deal if it comes up

“Protect from lynch”

Actually… how does your anonymous messages work?

I can have Datbird send things

privately or in the forum

It’s in big bold text if on the main forum, it’ll say "An anonymous player says: " or something like that


First of all that means we have tool for outing information we find without outing ourselfs.
That’s damn powerful.

We really are meant as investigative lovers, lmao.
Like your converstaion with other players can give us information too.

Yeah I’m basically just a huge gossip

Ask exactly what it would say.
It might be passable to use it as:

“Annonymous source says: A cycle doctor has visited Kyle20 last night”

That would make people not want to waste ITA shots on you for example.
That’s called FPSing, lying as town to further town goals.

At this case for both of us to stay alive and gather more information.
