[JOJO GW FM] Squalo and Tiziano

also where did you get Green Day from, you was talking about Purple Haze.

We were discussing people from our neighborhood who could potentially dayvig. I brought Green Day as someone who likely wouldn’t be able to

I mean I started checking flavor in 3rd neighborhood and was confused. Not enough sleep.

Metallica is flavor from the 3rd negihborhood.
Professional assassin.


What do you mean?

I know what Squid claims and I’m disgusted this exists.


I will leave it here and don’t ask any more details.

The question is if that’s real or just used as defense “You REALLY don’t want me to die OR ELSE”.

I honestly thought marshal would have that kind of role. They were basically spamming about how we’d regret lynching them

Squid did too actually.

Yeah, you’re definitely right with that. I want to think that at least one of them is bluffing but i really don’t know with all of these extremely powerful roles popping up with the 2 day one vigs and the two power role flips in arete and nuclear

Btw. Your chat ends with end of night, right?

Yes it starts as soon as i use it and the chat ends once the next day starts

Hmm… in hindsight, while Squid got us a nice info and tries to get us more rn…

Italy claimed they can pervent visits.
Italy might of been better link when it comes to cooperating actions.

Well if we don’t die tonight we can always do something tomorrow night. Do you think you will risk lighter tonight and do anything or wait off

Personally i think just do nothing at least till tomorrow

Doesn’t really matter now.
I can’t do anything anymore.

I teleport my stand at day and can chose 2 different investigations it can do.

That kinda sucks cause I have to chose target without lynch information.

I mean, unless intrpretion is that it’s on me and I can watch myself :^)

Which honestly might be just great idea to do.

You can see who visits you?

Lemme ask.

Probably not, but better to make sure.