[JOJO GW FM] Squalo and Tiziano

I’m buying the loved / vote not counting plurarity thing.
This is well designed so we can protect us in both cases.

I also assume we are meant to be gaining information as a lover, that’s why chats and stuff.
Like you add me to the chat you create and I can pass all info both to you and to unita speciale if needed.
If we add to that investigative stuff…

I can buy that.

The chats i create can only be two people, so yeah it’d be either you or me

Like how the roles were crafted to interact with each other is tilting heavily towards t/t lovers.

And that’s terrible.

Cause I am usually prime kill target.

I don’t know what youd talk about though

On ToL forums you usually can’t target yourself with abilities unless it’s stated that you can.

However since we have chat, I can just be one of targets and paste all information here.

It can include me

Didn’t see that one coming tbh.

Can your investigative ability prove me as an ally?

If so I would use it just so you don’t have to worry about me anymore

No. I’m not a cop.

What do you think the enemies are called, we could try to out them before everyone knows some of us at least are JoBros

in our Speciale chat

Enemy stan users?

Like it’s literally wincon on the rolecard?

Unless it means that we all are stand users and need to defeat enemy.

I’m pretty sure that’s what it means, I don’t watch JoJo but I was guessing either some of us are the evils, or we’re all good and the evils are called Passione


It literally is “Enemy Stand Users” lmao.

Or maybe he just couldn’t say there because it’d give it away



What is the name of evil faction?

Also, I think it’s weird that I’m a minor antagonist, but considered a JoBro, which makes me think a lot of the enemies in the show are JoBros

Your supposed to ask questions in your classcard, but since you already linked it. It is indeed Enemy Stand Users

That actually means there is no harmful neutrals more likely.

Like there is nothing about killing anything else but enemy stand users in my wincon.