[JOJO GW FM] Squalo and Tiziano

If you’d like. I have a pretty good idea though

That’s interesting, usually people complain I’m chaotic with jumping form one thing to another.

I think you’ve been pretty apparent with your thoughts to the point where i understand them

Ginger pretty much outed everything from neighborhood which is a good sign, considering mafia rather would not out information if they have a person in Unita hood.

Game progress is slow, makes me want to lynch one of top posters for not contibuting much, not only I think that.
Nuclear does as well. Actually I mindmeld with them (think about game in same way) a lot this game.

BlueStorm still didn’t appear yet, which is disappointing me.
I’m not gonna lynch inactive slot at the EoD, but I would like to have Unita hood clarified.

A lot of dumbtells this game too. Maybe some are incorrect clears, but gonna leave them for now, there are better targets to focus on.

Speaking of which we should start narrowing down who we even want to focus on.

I think emilia, sticking to our neighborhood seems like a good idea

Also, this are people who were around when I got targeted by lighter giver.
Should probably divide it by those who reacted to me saying about it and those who ignored it.

The problem is… this are against mostly… strong / very active players.

Again im still new to forum mafia games but the two things I’d consider atm are either trying to confirm ginger as ally or figure out if emilia is really PR. Is emilia still bled?


Everyone is a PR here.
There is no roleless people in this game.

That’s why I started to thinkign us dying would be semi-okay.

I’m not that strong invest, you are social roles.

That’s not most important roles.
Us dying instead of cop / doc/ vig is always good.

Didn’t you say you had observer type role? Seems really strong

It does if you play in ToL when you have limited roles to pick from.
That’s called semi-open setup.

Here we have closed.
We learn that someone went to Luxy for example.
What do we do about it?

Can we deduce what ability is it if we don’t know possible ones?
I mean I would be GUESSING it might be protective, maybe invest, but yeah…

Imagine me visiting Ginger.

What would you assume from that?

I could message them with my ability the next night, or they could claim what happened to them that night the next day if they know

This is no feedback game.

They wouldn’t know that they were roleblocked for example.

You’re right about that, but at least we could check if they kill someone lol


Still weaker than standard cop (Sheriff).

Like maybe 1-3 mafia will kill per night. And some town can be killing too.
Not only we can find only this 1-3 mafia, but also we may get false positive due to town killers.

Yes, it is good info source, but there are better roles than that.
Arete for example was good invest, sigh.

That is other problem tho. One invest is already dead.

I guess we are more meant to go like psychic from ToL

“Who are you targeting tongiht”

and then check if they really do it.

It was probably a balancing act. We have weaker ability but are masons

Should i set you up with someone and you invest them? Or should i get myself with someone and tell you who to invest?

Also i just noticed this but my passive ability giving me chat with you is called clash. Is yours also called this. It makes it really seem like we’re antagonizing to each other lol

Mine is named Talking Head, lmao.

Clash is name of my stand.