King & Butler & Servant (Rework)

:crown: The King

:fu: Royal Finger (Day) - Immediately put someone on trial. (1 use)

:balance_scale: Decide Fate (Day) - Immediately decide the outcome of the current trial. (1 use)

🗪 Conspire (Night) - Talk privately with a player. (Infinite uses)

:clinking_glasses: To Your Health! (Night) - Toast the Butler and drink a chalice of choice wine. Specifically, their choice of wine. (Infinite uses)

:older_man: The Butler

:grapes: Invigorating Wine (Day) - Grant The King death immunity, if he chooses to partake. (3 uses)

:skull_and_crossbones: Poisoned Wine (Day) - Kill The King, if he is so foolish as to partake. (1 use)

:wine_glass: Serve Wine (Night) - Occupy a player tonight with wine. Cannot target the same player 2 nights in a row. (Infinite uses)

:champagne: Concentrated Wine (Night) - Throw a party, occupying everyone that targets you. (2 uses)

:older_man: The Servant

:dizzy_face: Intoxicating Wine (Day) - Render The King so drunk that he is unable to use his day abilities, if he chooses to drink up. (3 uses)

:skull_and_crossbones: Poisoned Wine (Day) - Kill The King, if he is so foolish as to partake. (1 use)

:wine_glass: Serve Wine (Night) - Occupy a player tonight with wine. Cannot target the same player 2 nights in a row. (Infinite uses)

:champagne: Concentrated Wine (Night) - Throw a party, occupying everyone that targets you. (2 uses)

Wouldnt king just be really easy to kill if there is no butler in game


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Can’t EK just dodge being poisoned now by never partaking?

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This butler is also obscenely confirmable

And if it doesn’t spawn king is a sitting duck

I do like the idea of it being unable to target the same player twice in a row

illusionist mental blur noises

butler is also obscenely confirmable


if it doesn’t spawn king is a sitting duck

You’re right, I need to incentivize players to protect him.

illusionist mental blur noises

Disabling the King’s day abilities as Servant is the same as erasing his chat history.

They both confirm the existence of a convert, but disabling day abilities is actually helpful while erasing chat history is not

Because you just… Partake in his wine for the confirm

I think you’re missing that only the Servant can disable his day abilities. Why would a Servant want to confirm that he is converted?

at that point why would a servant ever use that ability

So you’re saying
Partake is just something you hope works as king?

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