Mainly for fol but could work for tol.
Everyone gets a role other than king startgame.
Day 1:
A king is voted up after people put there name forward.
The new kings gets 1 random ability to keep from there previous class.
This will make king a more interesting class to be in fol at least.
Prince would carry no role over though.
Anyone have a view on this.
Or suggestions
As king currently sucks in fol.
That is true
Neutral ask king op
Bob be quiet
Hint hint, I said I was coming up with new abilities right? ;D
Honestly. I think the King should be revamped.
We have too many early King lynches.
FoL6 is a prime example
I wouldn’t be against buffing King a little bit for FoL (as he is always very low priority to kill) but in my opinion this is the wrong way to go about it.
I would like to see King maybe have 3 instead of 2 votes upon Royal Finger to make him more prominent and useful on the social side of things, so can engage more and is more of a threat.
I think there should be an ability that prevents him from being executed. 1 use.
At least the first three days.
I strongly disagree Polik.
King should get a ability to kill maybe once at night sends your guards to kill a traitor.
I like that idea.
As well as his vote counts as three.
The king should start as king.
The problem with that is it confirms good king.
The neutral king should be unkiallble
Then its a gg wp no re game.