King Loyalty passive breaks the endgame

The setup is this:

MM, Assassin, Convert (doesn’t matter which), Prince, Starting Good King.

The Unseen vote up the Prince when the King decide fate pardons.

The Unseen then vote up and executes the Good King

Prince jails and executes the Assassin

Loyalty triggers

Prince jails and executes the new Assassin

MM vs Prince 1v1

Prince jails and executes the MM

BD wins

Even if they no lynch the Prince can just execute the assassin and win the 2v2 with king.

This makes the situation unwinnable for Unseen even if the Prince is successfully tricked into thinking the King is evil to begin with.

Then, the Unseen get up an Evil King who kills the prince the next day.

Or, if prince steps up, he can’t kill everyone and gets executed the next day.

It is winnable.

Additionally, if prince doesn’t have enough exes MM can convert into assassin and kill prince (after is jailed 3 times) or assassin can poison prince.


There are 4 players left after good king is executed

Also reasons kings passive loyalty is a thing is to make up for being able to voted before d4 its to make people think twice about uping the king unless hes obvious evil

You didn’t factor in poison. This scenario also relies on Prince still having all 3 of his executes and playing perfectly. Very far-fetched.

There is also the fact that unseen will win anyway since they can get an Evil King, loyalty doesn’t stop King elections.

In this particular scenario, there would be only 4 players left and royal elections aren’t held with 4 or less players.


I have yet to see the Unseen/Cult win this particular 3v2. Either the assassin would be out of poison for whatever reason or the Prince would be innoculated.

The Prince knowing who the assassin is with no other information both times is 1/6. However by nature of being the Prince and the fact that the Unseen usually get cocky at this point he has plenty of extra information going in. Usually that is enough to get the Assassin both times.

Or the Prince does not have 3 executes as you’re claiming and the 3 unseen can manage to misdirect one player for at least a single night. Also the prince would never be coerced into thinking king would be evil right after he decide fate pardons him and 3 evils have voted up the outed prince. You’re also not suggesting a replacement for loyalty.


But in this secneario he does

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