KyoDaz's Class Suggestion Masterthread

I don’t like the Tapstress because it seems too close to a Princess-Maid hybrid and too powerful.

The Butcher seems extremely overpowered for a Blue Dragon class, it’s like a BD-aligned NK.

I like the Tanner a lot though.

The Auditor’s Tally ability I think could be a cool addition to the Aristocrat and Apostle as a passive. But it’s too confirmable for a Blue Dragon class. Even if it only updates at 5 second intervals.

The Steward doesn’t strike me as different enough from Mystic to warrant a whole new class.

So in summary I like The Tanner and Tally as an evil-only ability (or passive).

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I was meaning specifically between gossip when it will hopefully be reworked.
It’s too late and my wording and explaining turning horrible. I’m going to sleep and answer questions when I wake up (It’s currently 4:13AM here) :timer_clock:

<I’ll reply to your thoughts tomorrow Shrimpy. Thanks for commenting!>

Good night.

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Tol > Law

Chronomancer sat in space like doctor who


What abilities and situations would make it too powerful? I don’t think it’s anything like maid and just adopts a more powerful class-type deduction without the accuracy of flirt. I quite like the ability.

The thing with him though is that rather him dying with something like Cold Steel he removes the logs of players; meaning that a wrong move permanently removes all investigation results ect. I do believe he needs more of a handicap than that though. Do you have anything in mind?

I love the Tanner as well! I don’t believe he’s too powerful, doesn’t disrupt BD but it’s fun managing and predicting your skin usage. I’d imagine he would have a high skill-cap.

Auditor is the Unseen convert; I assume you are referring to the Clerk?

That day ability will need changed. However I think it’s balanced on Auditor without the cap.

I see him as helpful in numerous situations. Especially if he’;s converted. He can communicate with the King easily allowing him to anonymously instruct the King on Unseen’s strategies if they suspect he is aligned with him.
Do you believe he’s good balanced based? I believe the fact he’s unique and prevents Mystic from spawning makes his class a suitable addition.

I think the issue you see in most of the classes is being similar to other ones. However I don’t think it’d be best to introduce a lot of new mechanics or they will most likely be confirmable (such as night bleeds that the previous butcher had.)

Ah my mistake. The Tapstress is like Princess but not like Maid. But here are some specific problems I have with it:

Immune to occupation and redirection but doesn’t appear to be. This would be the only class to cause such confusion.

Offer Dessert (Night) - Offer desert to a player, discovering if they are using their second night action.

  • This seems like a terribly strong counter to mastermind princess claims, since wisp is never used but foresight is used half the time.

I actually don’t dislike it that much. It’s more I dislike the Princess class already.

I do believe he needs more of a handicap than that though. Do you have anything in mind?

I don’t to be honest.

I’d imagine he would have a high skill-cap.

Yes I like classes that do :slightly_smiling_face:

Auditor is the Unseen convert; I assume you are referring to the Clerk.


I see him as helpful in numerous situations. Especially if he’s converted. He can communicate with the King easily allowing him to anonymously instruct the King on Unseen’s strategies if they suspect he is aligned with him.
Do you believe he’s good balanced based? I believe the fact he’s unique and prevents Mystic from spawning makes his class a suitable addition.

Okay well I suppose since he prevents Mystic from spawning that he’s fine. But I do wish current Illusionist had Link Minds, the only caveat being it told the linked person they were converted. And to allow it to communicate with the King (just Illusionist though).

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It’s already a horrible claim that shouldn’t really be considered. Also easily caught by Pretender, Observer ect. and you are having to BS logs every odd night. Harms your claim considerably. I don’t think it’s good to claim with or without Offer Dessert. Though I do agree that it may still catch out MM a bit more than I would like (not just Princess) therefore I’ll drop the count of Offer Dessert & Offer Leftovers by one. Don’t want it to be an ability that is spammed.

This is to buff the Tapstress/Waitress as she’s quite weak but additionally allow evils to easily claim as her.

I agree; the most fun thing about Princess is the thought of possibly being able to fake claim as Pretender and somehow win BD the game in a 1v1.

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I forgot to mention I edited so the Orphan and Outcast are now up. Oops.

Added Weaver & Queen & The Reagent King.

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The orphan massively buffs NKs in cult games, just having a guaranteed ally is a great boon.

Especially in the late game where every single vote can mean life or death.

I completely forgot about this thread. I’ll start updating the neutral classes soontm

Fair enough. Would it help if the Orphan converted into Invoker?

Neutral with NK wincon>cultists.


i mean i don’t like it converting to unseen either.

I come up with very… unique ideas. That may not take balance fully into account. Or logic. Now that I think about it that may not be balanced.

Perhaps removing the passive share is a good idea. That’d allow more BD counterplay and no conversions.

I mean, it should have a cult convert if it can be converted.

Invoker seems fine.

But a lot of conversion is removing towncore BD to cult, so that no one can be fully tristed. A neut>evil a)Means someone who is not BD to begin with can be converted, and executed off of their OG class
b)unbalances the game with neut numbers

No, passive-share is cool.

just neutconverts are wierd

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I always loved when Mercenary could go to Sellsword.
I wanted to bring back Neutral conversions, but this may not be the class to use them on.

Clerk’s tally needs desperately fixed as well I’ve noticed.

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hey I know this is really old, but Barmaid could be used
Edit: also shroud would kinda suck because it could easily out NK as NK, make it more like a merc guard, so then oyu cant be like 'only invest were occ’d on X, therefore X is NK in an orphan game!

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