Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Compiling now btw.

dm me it so I can tell you how right or wrong you are


now this is making me curious how you read me

do it

it’d make my morning :eyes:

Inb4 you roll wolf, then you start out the game making a huge null-filled wishy washy readlist without bothering to push anyone and just stay around floating the thraed.


Also I don’t really understand why you ‘pride’ yourself on being chaotic?
Like, I get willing to be hard to read – trying to (and being able to) successfully imitate the way you play as both alignments makes sense.
What doesn’t make sense is always acting scummy. I mean, at the very least you aren’t getting mislynched which is fine, but I feel like with all your memeing no one is ever going to take your claims, pushes or information seriously.

Only time will tell.

Shes my daughter


it’s fun and I don’t think a majority of it is -EV

ironically the latter benefitted me greatly in RM4

but I don’t really worry about people not taking me seriously when needed

also I don’t think I always act scummy shrug I just play FM in a different language


Where you were fearmongering people about Italy the whole day and immediately proposed to switch to Kyo but no one cared about it.

“Always” would be a wrong word, I guess. “Most often” is a better way to place it. But I see.

I wanna make a snarky comment here regarding both of your tendency to FPS, but I’m not.


Also Kat it’s past your bedtime. Arete as well.

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Oh hi Priestess.

to a certain extent there’s a difference between making ‘chaotic’ or ‘weird’ plays and making ‘scummy’ ones

like in Virtuous II Derps was obvious town for fakeclaiming a unique town PR and claiming a greencheck on the actual person who had that PR because he townread her, but got mislynched for … reasons probably …

or in Evo, katze’s thing with faking a PR to bait eevee, whom he scumread, was basically never something that came from a place of TMI

now obviously there’s a difference between either of those and ‘I’m Inq with 3 BD targets’

Or when I was hard softing medium, got CCed, claimed to be FPSing (which fits my meta) and then claim WD and claim to use an ability wrong, then say I’m actually enchanter

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Scumminess is inheritable :eyes:

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Soulcatcher pfp.

No one is saying anything about weird plays.
Imo “weird” plays are going to come from town most of the time, while chaotic and scummy plays can come from both sides.

I’m not going to go into a wall post argument about this because obviously I don’t have any experience whatsoever, but I feel like there’s a very distinct line between those.