Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

is it 14.3k pings?

Where i live, there is no snow.


you’re an aussie right?

hi sorcerichard

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there’s no snow over here either chloe


well you have made 14.3k posts so I thought it was that


Who wants to help me with this? Funny ones please

no i have 14045 unread pings

we have no snow either

if you drew a joycat the only two valid guesses are me and marshal so

what is snow anyways

Hmm I may have hinted I’m Aussie.

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I don’t know what the law is in Scotland

being gay is one

Oh, gun laws. That’s an obvious one.

damn u took it from me

as like
we just gonna forget the middle east is a thing

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Quick question.

Do y’all know jobs that a 14 year old can get during quarantine?

having an opinion

north korea

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