Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

yes sir officer
this is the bruh moment i was talking about it

Gruh moment

well we gotta stop people from having knives… or ropes… or bridges… or pills.

Ez suicide is no more

I don’t judge
But sometimes I do
I fish

Just kill everyone
Easiest solution in the book

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I have thoughts on this but they’re potentially infohazard-y so I think I’m not going to say them

or any object sharp enough to kill someone
so just ban windows because the glass can be bad

knives, ropes, bridges and pills are quite scary ways of going out

The only people in Britain who have guns and use them are Police.

The last time a criminal even had hold of a gun in Britain was in 2019 and the person didn’t even use it and was shot and killed due to attacking police.

The last time a criminal used one was in 2009 when a mentally unstable person shot at police officers

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Thanks Chloe. This new pic looks better than the old pic.

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That’s nowhere near enough, especially after you’ve stayed awake for 20+ hours before.
Can you go back to bed.

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i mean
we have the war room since this is bordering on politic talk




Bananananananana nanananananana nanananananana nanananananana

I had to get up so that I could eat dinner with my family

also I got basically nothing done yesterday so now I have to do some things, and to advance this goal I consumed some caffeine

Won’t stop someone from commiting suicide if they are determined… and even if it did then it only delays the problem

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Law enforcement usually only carry guns at a terrorist threat as well.

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Arete review my game instead of talking here nerd, I want to host it before I leave the forums this month.

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