Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)




this is optimal “going to bed” time, what do you mean

katze sleep, you nerd.


not yet

soon, though


why are you sighing

this is normal for me

Yes, but that doesn’t mean it’s GOOD.

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Arete, you’re supposed to be asleep, nerd.

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they’re just observing us

I wonder how long they’ll be watching, liking

kat, which forummer do you ship me with?

who says I ship you with a forumer :eyes:

Wait, I forgot why Jake got banned.

What did he do again?

You ship everything with a forummer.

Also, idk Alice, ask Arete, they’re probably still awake even though they shouldn’t be.

The nail in the coffin was him linking a nsfw furry site

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Wait… what?

I don’t think I can comment on specific cases; however, as per the public announcement of his ban, he violated Rule 8 of the Global Forum Rules

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context is in the old cookie thread