Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Yeah, that’s normal.

Same as NBA 3-pointer competitions.

Well, slightly different, but eh.

every time he mechanically can’t get a 22 hes restarting now

the 4th angle is where he quits pretty much every time now

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Is it on Twitch or still on Discord? I wanna tell him he’s a nerd.

he usually streams on twitch but only on discord rn

ill tell him he’s a nerd for you

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i told him while he was choking a run

he told me to fuck off (then started laughing)

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will he ever hit 22

Eh… I’d give it… 24 minutes?

Don’t know how fast he shoots.

then he crashed

time limit is a minute but hes restarting a lot

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Does he play basketball irl or nah?

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And so did the picture.

he used to

but he said he could probably get a 22 irl

given how he’s missing some of these balls i don’t doubt it, his character is forgetting to throw the ball sometimes and it’s hilarious

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annnnd he just choked the 2 pointer at 20

i hear genuine defeat

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now hes going for 23

this is way too entertaining


Tell him I’d crush him irl and tell me how he reacts.

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ill wait until he’s less invested in this

but if i had to guess it’d go something like “at least i can throw the ball properly irl” and go on about ho the mii is letting him down

which wouldn’t be entirely invalid, i think he is capable of jumping and throwing a ball more consistently than the mii is

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Has he beaten 22 yet?

Mii Sports Resort on Switch When

i miss the mii games ):

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Also, ask him why he’s not streaming on Twitch this time.