Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Mfw when I answered half of the questions in a (mandatory) kahoot quiz incorrectly on purpose and still got second place.

hoes mad

Good morning Aroot.

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Morning Jane

I had to wake up early for a bio “lab” and for once I managed to handle this by going to bed early


still can’t spell that damned word

Good job!


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Why did you change your profile picture?

the lockdown has had a great psychological toll on us all

confused Jane noises

haha funny sex work
hey ic poorly explain the plot of 50 shades of grey


i would offer nudes once i hit 18 but your asexual


imagine not being asexual

coming out as ace was a 45d chess move to remove people’s ability to bribe you with sexual favours, and thus gain an advantage in any situation where people want you to do things


this is sarcastic by the way

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no but the reason I’m not explaining the plot of 50 shades is because it’s a) boring b) boring c) i don’t remember it, which should tell you how boring it is and d) fucking twilight, which it is a fanfic of, has a better plot. fucking twilight.

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see the thing is that when it comes to badly explaining plots, it has to be the right mix of overrated and overcomplicated


i never thought i’d hear the words “twilight is a better love story”

i mean love stories are in general incredibly boring because they can’t introduce characters in any context that isn’t vaguely romantic that would make me even vaguely like them and want to see who they interact with