Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Precisely this. I hate how ‘love’ is presented in shows/fiction in general but maybe its me being the ‘weird one’.

Joke’s on you, I haven’t slept since 6 PM

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meanwhile italy is sleeping 12-14 hours

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whats wrong with you

you’re worse than chloe


Marshal are you me.

Katze go to sleeppp

is this your way of telling me to gtfo



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you go to sleep, you actually have to be awake for something :eyes:

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I sleep 10-12 hours on average and wake up feeling terrible.

Young love is incredible annoying
Especially with teenagers

Okay but sleeping 10pm to 10am is amazing

Especially after a strenuous day

look i’ve long since become attuned to the weirdness of the allosexuals and how they have this weird antipathy to like

shipping two characters who have good chemistry with each other together, and then just giving us more of what we’ve already seen

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Still doesn’t mean you don’t need to get sleep right now

i also spend an extra three hours just lying around refusing to get up, i won’t even open my eyes
i just lay there for hours wanting to go back to sleep because fuck being awake

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As a teenager, I can confirm.

tell me about it priestess

damn italy

i never thought id relate so much to you

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you know it’s depressing when ships in comedy shows are near universally better than ships in more serious shows

i would never
do whatever you want

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