Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

‘no!!! you can’t just put people in Allies chat because you expect them to actually talk!!! you should put the Prince in there because he’s confirmed BD!!!’

‘haha gamesolve printer goes brrrrrr’


i wanna be in allies chat one day :frowning:

ill take a mystic link as a close 2nd

also a quick question
what makes a setup bastard?
i know that the idea is “lying to the players means the game is bastard” but if you’re just OMITTING stuff then is that bastard too?
i’m leaning toward yes

you’re hard to read, which makes you less likely to be in Allies chat, because people want to put people in Allies chat that they think are BD

i’m working on that

i don’t want to be easy to read by any means

but maybe a bit less impossible

Really depends on what kind of omission it is.

On, several Queue threads require a game with any of the mechanics in the list below to be labelled as “bastard”:

  • Cults
  • mid-game alignment changes
  • moderator lies that cannot be reasonably anticipated (for example, Godfather, Tailor, Miller, Ninja, and mechanics like that are generally fine, but telling someone they are a Reflexive Doctor when they’re actually a Paranoid Gun Owner is not)
  • secret win conditions
  • un-divulged non-randomness in player role/alignment generation
  • direct moderator influence during the game

this is a matter of great controversy

there are some things that are nearly universally acknowledged to be bastard (e.g. conversion, Jesters) but there are a lot of kind of ambiguous things – like, some places consider Godfathers bastard, there’s a list somewhere on the MafiaScum wiki that claims Watchers are bastard-ish

FoL is fairly bastardized

but it is a semi-open setup so like it’s not a bastard game

if you want to be safe, say that your set-up may contain “slight bastard elements”


i want to call it “creative”
it sounds better


Tbh, what exactly are you omitting? Action effects? Flips? Feedback? Win conditions?

Like, the omission needs to be something players can anticipate.

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the rolecard has a generic description of something
the flip goes more in-depth

but the in-depth doesn’t invalidate the generic

How much would it effect the game?
Making a game with a firefighter but no arsonist and not informing the arsonist doesn’t exist is fine.

Making a game where a VT becomes a SK on N3 without telling them is not.

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actually one of the roles in neo-tokyo mash on mu is a great example

a role had a trigger which said that “when you die, you will be revived at next sod with a new body”
but what wasn’t said was that you have a slightly different passive when you are revived

What was it?

there’s a subtle hint but it doesn’t specify

the new passive was that you had -50% ita resistance or something like that

and it kept getting worse with every revive
that was what “new body” hinted at but didn’t invalidate