Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

There’s a role that checks if people are a werewolf.

Me, in Spec chat: Tbh, I don’t think it’s multiball.

with new body i’d say it’s fine

it’s not a lie, and it is stated beforehand, just the full effects are not revealed to the player

exactly what i’m thinking of
and i’m wondering if it’s bastard

I should really sleep

this is unfortunate because the current conversation is moderately interesting but it’s already later than I should be sleeping by several hours, I only stayed up this late in the first place because I was taking a History midterm

and I’m announcing this in the thread because otherwise I won’t do it


That was fine as it’s easy to anticipate that NUF wouldn’t have a WW or Alien, despite some people insisting to keep both EVO and EG alive so they can 3p hunt.

should i enforce the “arete go to sleep” thing


Nope, it’s fine to omit it unless the new passive is something drastic like conversion if you die or whatnot.

also a role i came up with in a conceptual setup which i’m not gonna run for a while
you know that you benefit from using your abilities on town
but you don’t know what the benefit is
the benefit is ita chance / ita resistance boost for each ability use on town

I mean

it’s not a lie

and it’s not like tricking the player

so i’d say it’s not really bastard

okay good


I love reading over games with ITA’s even though i’ve never participated in them on this site specifically

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well I was in jojo

but got dayvigged before I could wake up and actually do anything in ITA phase

you dayvigged arete before they could do anything in ITA phase either


my mash (in design phase rn) has itas :eyes:


I’ve never been alive and town in a game with ITAs

well neither have I

go to sleep :angry:

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and probably won’t fill because i’m designing it for 50+
i’m halfway done with role design

in fact

i’ve never been town in games with ITAs

on this site?

it would be really hard to fill

but i’d love to see it

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