Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

oh no

the real question is whether forever is enough time to get people to acknowledge that if a particular policy solves a bunch of problems without introducing significant new ones, and measurably improves people’s lives, it should probably be implemented over a policy that creates a bunch of extra problems without solving any of them

sure i guess

it’s not going anywhere

Oh yes.
I remember.
Those were some good images.



The fact you didn’t mention anything about it got me suspicious

definitely not
civilization would collapse before we ever realize we’re causing problems and then acting like it’s someone else’s problem

Hey, what is that supposed to mean.
Also, to be fair they were on screen for like 5 seconds.

Is that your ideal ‘bod’


No. Slimmer, to the point of being almost skeletal.

Also I love how you didn’t even bother looking at other images for nautilus, you just stared at the main page lmao.
Still surprised we won that one.

SLIMMER? You wouldn’t want muscles

Remind me why are we discussing this in the cookie thread again.


i think we’re done talking about immortality now chloe
and thankfully nobody asked me what the meaning of life was because i would get really depressing

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we’ve stopped talking about immortality and are now talking about the desirability of muscles

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i wish chloe had more muscles :pensive:

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