Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i mean im making it scale faster

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finally, Ans and I can be members of the same faction

im not liking this post because the order is wrong

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did you know that when bees sting you, they die because their organs are ripped out when they pull away?

You can actually save a bee by removing it’s stinger carefully

that’s right
you have disemboweled at least one living creature in your lifetime

Cult is below Unseen

I’m sorry, your chart is fallacious and therefore cannot be trusted.

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that’s the thing
its stinger is linked to those vital organs

do you know that when bees sting you
you have a panic attack
because you have a bug phobia

but its stinger is stuck to you
so its options are either “stay stuck to you forever” or “die”

my disappointment is immeasurable
(but my day is not yet ruined)

chloe you just called spiders bugs

i have a fear of like
every single bug and arachnid

any arthropod

Chloe do you look like Toka from Tokyo Ghoul

also it turns out that all known laws of aviation were indeed correct
bees seem like they know what they’re doing but in reality they constantly fall out of the sky, hit eachother, fail terribly trying to land and crash into things


i cant tell if this character is a trap

she does not

shes way cuter

Wait you’ve never watched Tokyo Ghoul? wtf?

Katloe Katloe.

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