Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

…I would say that’s a mood, but I’ve never gone all the way to 8:30. The furthest I’ve gone was ~7 AM.

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this isn’t new for me but i’ve had a much more sane sleep schedule for quite a while now

i’m getting closer and closer to a fully backwards sleep schedule though and i’m not super fond of that

…i say, as i continue to be awake

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I slept decently well this entire week, only to fuck it up today for no reason. Today is the most important day of the week to be well-rested, because I have online classes. And tomorrow, but I have more important classes today.

Ergo – good job me. I managed to fail a simple “get slep” mission when it mattered the most to succeed. :upside_down_face:

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As long as you’re not too far gone, maybe you can reverse it?
Go to sleep 15 minutes earlier than last time. Then 15. And 15. And 15.
Eventually, you will move your schedule several hours back until it’s finally acceptable. Or at least, that’s the idea. Incremental improvement.

you probably went to bed earlier than 8:30 given your prior messages

this is usually how i adjust my sleep schedule if i don’t have any urgent plans

otherwise i just bite the bullet and sleep 2-4 hours for a day or two

And it certainly affected my mood, because I don’t even know how to describe the way I feel today. I started out the day feeling down and disappointed. Then it progressed into partial acceptance, then questioning… and now, I’m at a point when I don’t even know what I should be thinking.
I probably shouldn’t be thinking about this at all. Waste of time, waste of effort, etc. etc. But I generally try to keep myself happy, or happy enough. Right now, I feel like someone carved out a piece of me and left a hole, leaving me utterly confused and clueless.
This metaphor probably sounds overly dark. Fweh. I do that sometimes.

…Yes. Katsay, please.

But we both know the latter is bad.


I think I’m still trying to recover from the spectacular failure. It’s supposed to be simple. “Go to bed early.” But for some reason, it’s not as easy as it should be.
The strength of my will is ridiculously low.

Katze, please go to sleep instead of listening to my ramblings, and have sweet dreams. I sit in the thread because I have nowhere else to ramble.

I feel this on a spiritual level and my brain is mostly mush at the moment so all I can offer in these trying times is a hug and an egg

Fixing a sleep schedule fast usually involves staying up or sleeping multiple hours more or less than usual, and I happen to be good at not sleeping

If you go into today thinking it’s super important it’s not unreasonable to struggle to sleep the prior night

Stress and anxiety can really hinder someone trying to sleep at a normal time if they know they have to wake up and do something meaningful

no promises

but I have managed to find my way into bed so I suppose it’s just a ticking clock

One of those is not like the other. I rolled a 20 on my Perception check, which allowed me to notice that.

…I totally understand where you’re coming from. But it’s a problem. We both know this.

Fair point. I feel like I’m stressed more frequently than I give myself credit. Even when I don’t think I’m stressed, I do things associated with stress. Such as biting my fingers. I did that throughout last night until I fell asleep.
I know it’s probably disgusting, and I hope I didn’t overstep boundaries. I’ve been doing this for years and never managed to fix it for good.



I think I finally lucid dreamed today

It seems to be associated with even the slightest amount of pressure. Right now, as we are talking, I don’t do it. There is no pressure on me, so why would I?
But at work, at home, whenever I play a game, do homework, etc., etc., it just keeps happening and it’s subconscious at this point. Maybe I pride myself on my ability to remain calm in sticky situations (unless the situation is connected to my major fears), but all of that stress is going somewhere – and is most likely the main reason why I bite.
I don’t easily lose my temper, I can keep a straight face and maintain a regular tone in the majority of situations… but on the other side of the coin, I bite my fingers whenever the slightest pressure arises and I have a free hand (or foot). It’s my scumtell immediate reaction to anything even slightly resembling responsibility / similar stuff.
Kinda funny, really. On the surface, I’m really good at keeping myself in check. But when you look at my terrible habits, that’s not the case at all.

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Oooooooh. I think it happened to me like… once? Maybe? It’s a great experience. Were you forcing yourself to do this?

inb4 this doesn’t embed right I literally can’t tell cause mobile bad

I mean it depends how you use this power

Being able to change my sleep schedule on the whim is actually quite useful sometimes

You nerd, if you think that’s overstepping boundaries

Also yeah I totally stopped biting my fingers out of stress haha

did you fly


Just kind of happenedn

And I didn’t even have complete control

It took a couple of times for me to scream for something to happen for it to happen

Whenever I fuck up my sleep schedule I find forcing myself to eat 3 meals a day and at normal times really really helps me get back to normal fast.

Do not go over to the dark side!

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Very weird dreams that I had some control in do not recommend those dreams

In general, I feel like routine helps.

I have a problem guys. Basically I’m too cool and everyone I meet keeps getting jealous of me and its getting really tiring being looked up to so much :cry:

I decided I need advice on how to be less cool so obviously my first thought was to ask here.