Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Damn right it is Priestess. I wish to become a prosecution lawyer.

What do you do in a history major

Genuine question bexause of genuine consideration

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It’s fine, I’m useless anyway and I came to terms with that :^)

I’m 19, which technically makes me a teenager :^)

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you’re not captivated by applied physics like cloned and i are
sure u can understand the regular starter-level calc-based stuff like most do

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i would be the worst lawyer ever


i could not do it
i would die of guilt over every decision


But Chloe, the money.
If I was competent, becoming a lawyer would probably be one of the things I would consider.

you … are certainly welcome to make assumptions about my ability to understand physics/math/etc.

that is something you are free to do

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You’re clearly not useless. Have hope and you’ll get out of it

fuck money

i would be so depressed it wouldnt be worth it

You’d just be a bad prosecutor
A passionate lawyer’s p good

i mean
you implied this urself in the comment i replied to

chloe, would you rather put an innocent person in jail or set a guilty person free

i would be terrible at defending someone if they told me they are guilty

i would not be able to guide them into a plea deal
i would straight up be like “yeah no i cant help you find someone else”

I’d love to defend that
I like honest people

i’d rather not be responsible for either of these :^)

…only if you think ‘History major’ implies ‘can’t understand math/physics/etc.’

You are too soft.

I would also like to see someone like shoplifters stealing from a big multimillion supermarket not face the harsh punishments they do now

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maybe i am

but im not going to change who i am just to earn some more money