Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

being an eng major is like

do i want to do math and physics for the rest of my educational career

because it’s like gonna be hard to do anything else

especially since you have so much specific knowledge that you need to learn

kyo be like

I’d rather 1000 innocent men be in jail then 1 guilty man go free

You realize how terrible jails are?
As law-abiding person I need to be so safe as possible.
And guilty people get judged innocent all the time. Because you need enough evidence.

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they knew what they were getting into

would solve case by case

We do have different prison systems

you cannot self teach yourself this stuff like you can music theory

tbf music theory is ridiculously hard

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also u can start band from a very young age. can’t with engineering material

People shouldn’t have to prove themselves innocent. It’s up to the prosecution to prove them guilty

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I have a fully fledged keyboard to the right of me that I got for my birthday.
I tried to learn it.
I failed.

stealing from a small supermarket typically has greater negative consequences than stealing from a big supermarket (since it’s not, realistically, going to make much of a difference to a big supermarket to have some small fraction of their stock stolen)

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Shoplifters won’t be sitting in jail here.
Almost every sentence with a time less than 2 years is not in jail itself, but just with lots of obligations

ive been told i’d be a good lawyer because i’m good at arguing with people

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in america, 50% of murders go unsolved and without any arrests


Pretty sure our prisoners get Xboxes, PS4s and TVs.

You steal. You have broken the law. You could have chosen not to, but you decided to be amoral.

“Ok I can prove my client is innocent. Let me direct you to this drawing of a plane”


this is chewbacca