Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I think you are very grossly misunderstanding of prison life in general and the effects it can have on a person and their family/freinds/life

I pray you aren’t effected by this, but if you are I think you would take my side on this, that innocent people being in jail is not good at all

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ive played calamity and thorium so many times

trying 2 new overhaul mods in Ancients Awakened and Shadows of Abaddon (maybe Elements Awoken too)

When are you going to play AI.

I only just realised that
Who the hell is throwing people into prison when they’re at school


read this

I accept Ian Blackford as ur real leader
He’s much cooler as well

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Yeah im too tired to argue and i feel like my voice wont be heard

also refreshing the page every 5 seconds sucks

so imma play videogames instead


Sometimes we have to send a teen into jail, for a few months
But I’m pretty sure they still have to learn there?

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ugh i dont know


i ahve so many things i want to play, and i usually end up doing nothing cuz i cant make up my mind

studies have shown that, for people who commit similar crimes under similar circumstances (obviously it’s difficult to do a proper RCT here), sentencing them to prison for longer results in them committing more total crimes after they’re released

Yes, but since the former harms people worse than the latter in my example, then the former is more evil.

To give an exaggerated example, both a jaywalking litterer and a mass-murdering dictator are scumbags, but there’s no doubt that the dictator is the worse evil in this situation.


But the best boy.

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americas prison system is just terrible

it is inhumane

sending people there for a minor crime is disgusting

i have witnessed this first hand

in other countries this may be less bad but i can only speak for here


if i liked or respected theoretical physics or theoretical math, i would have gone there instead of engineering

so yes, of course im biased

Its just no excuse

Privately owned prisons btw.
Good idea. Really good idea that could never go wrong.




Well that isn’t nessecarily the prison system’s fault but the system of prosecution

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Morality isn’t that simple, there are evils to varying degrees.


personally I’ve found that mentally substituting ‘locking people in cages’ for ‘sending people to prison’ to be a reasonably accurate solution for figuring out what’s “reasonable”

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My take on alice’s/priestess’s argument is that

stealing from something is wrong, and stealing from 1 place vs. another can have varying worse effects.

However there is no way to determine how morally wrong every single thing is in an individual basis, so the punishments are the same.

This doesn’t make everything equally morally wrong, but it does mean that the punishment for both, legally, are the same