Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

“Bear come here it’s time to eat.”
“And today, class, let’s introduce our newest member: Bear.”
“Next applicant please. Which one of you is… Bear?”
“Vice-president Bear of the company X…”

I hope the poor sod changes his name asap.

Relatable, but I don’t regret it to be honest.

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X AE A-12
truly the most memorable name

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the puns would be unbearable


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lmao that one was good

Bear with me for a second.


Can’t go anywhere without kape lurking


is it bad that i’m considering going to austin in a plague doctor outfit and walk around and then check if marshal took a photo of a plague doctor walking around austin

and then pinpoint his location

just for the pure meme value

Daily reminder that Kape-kun is cute.
Carry on.

Omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.


Bold move with kat awake.

The problem with me is that I don’t… talk… to people. Maybe it doesn’t seem that way when you read my posts on this forum, but it’s true. I judge them from the sidelines. If I feel like it, I talk to them. If I don’t – and most frequently, I don’t – then I remain silent.

Because I don’t try to make the first move, nobody will make the first move on me, which makes me rather passive and reactive. I kinda just exist next to others without bothering them unless they bother me.

And it appears that “just existing” does not grant me the privilege of having a relationship, let alone a strong relationship.

Yes, I am sassing myself right now.


wait a second
/vote kape
confirmed syndicate

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shipping anstreim with kape would be doing him a favor

as such, chlostreim

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bold of you to assume that I look outside ever

Vul is just … existing

he’s not trying to solve

as a villager he’s more engaged with the thread

/vote Vul



this is a fake read

town arete doesnt have fake reads

/vote arete


As you are a Nerd, you do not have a vote.

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Yeah, it does feel like I’m the 3p next to a bunch of villagers and maybe some wolves.

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