Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

That’s cabin fever acting up

Blow up your closet

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at first i actually wanted the description of die to be just “Die”
but then i realized i’d probably have to explain when


I’m actually enjoying the fact that some people seem to have me as the CL in their mind.
It’s glorious and I don’t want to shatter that illusion, ever.


I mean I did hide in a closet once during hide and seek.

One of its shelves/planks broke and my parents were mad.

and if i Don’t want to tell people i’m a FM degenerate when they ask what site that is I just say “pornhub” with a straight face and that usually gets a laugh and diverts the subject


not enough people realize i am actually a cat irl


kyo asked if im an anime chick with like, blue hair

vul had a dream where i had dark skin and dark hair

other people think im riza hawkeye

i can be whatever i want and nobody will ever know what the real chloe looks like :^)

I say discord since gray theme

haha yeah

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Anyway, pro life tip from a person that fits the first part:
People will forget if you messed up, so don’t be afraid to start a conversation.


A class dedicated to everyone who yolo detonated in the last Short Fuse.


Town Short Fuse Player
“The [PLAYER] I know would’ve detonated by now. No balls.”
Too Much Power (Passive) - At the start of the game, you will be given a detonator and a player it will be bound to.
/detonate (Day) - Activate your detonator.
/detonate!! (Day) - Choose a player, then write a post in the thread where you goad them to activate their detonator. If they do have a detonator, they will be forced to activate it by your impressive persuasion skills.
REDACTED, REVEALED UPON FLIP: /detonate actually kills YOU, because your existence is -EV and there is only a 1% chance you were actually detonating a wolf.
Defeat all threats to the Town.


And now I’m out because chatting on the forums is garbo due to lag.


But Marshal, you aren’t a degenerate.
You are actually really damn good and I feel like FMs can teach some really important life skills. You excelling at those should be an accomplishment, not something shameful.

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oh god oh fuck why is cookie so far out of reach?

ily kape

Too late, I’ve already seen your photos.
You are cute.

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I use chief delphi in dark mode

Which is like, black and orange

Ive had some weird talks with certain authoritative figures

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assuming that ‘Arete help me’ was at least somewhat serious…

you aren’t under any obligation to come out, neither to others nor to yourself

which isn’t something a lot of the cultural narratives around the concept really acknowledge? but there are plenty of reasons why you might not want to, many of which are very legitimate

this is fundamentally not a choice anyone else can or should try to make for you

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oof meanie