Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

kneel peasants

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Postcount Sorting Machine

Neutral Special
Light Theme User (Passive) - You use light theme and do not care about the repercussions. All players you directly kill will flip with the entire text of their rolecard recolored to pure white.
Sort By Postcount (Day) - You can use this ability up to three times per day. Post a list of all the living players through the host. They will be sorted by postcount (top posters at the top, going all the way down to the lowest posters). By itself, the list does nothing.
Slankvig (Day) - Silently kill the lowest poster in broad daylight. (2-day cooldown)
Spamvig (Night) - Kill a player who is among the top five posters of the last day. If you are targeting exactly the top poster, the attack is completely unpreventable by any means. (2-night cooldown)
Postcount Scan (Night) - Choose a list from Sort By Postcount which was put in the thread during the last day. Choose one: Uninformed Majority or Informed Minority. Choose one: top half or bottom half.
At the end of the night, you will learn the exact percentage of Uninformed Majority or Informed Minority players within the top half or bottom half of the list (depending on your choices). You cannot make the exact same choice twice until you have used every combination at some point.
Eliminate all hyperposters and slankers. The host will determine which are which, and you may communicate with them to learn who you have yet to kill. You do not have to kill them directly. Upon fulfilling your win condition, you will leave the match.


This is a blessed class.

ur blessed


No you. Pay attention, nerd.

Postcount Sorting Machine

Neutral Special
Light Theme User (Passive) - You use light theme and do not care about the repercussions. All players you directly kill will flip with the entire text of their rolecard recolored to pure white.
Sort By Postcount (Day) - You can use this ability up to three times per day. Post a list of all the living players through the host. They will be sorted by postcount (top posters at the top, going all the way down to the lowest posters). By itself, the list does nothing.
Slankvig (Day) - Silently kill the lowest poster in broad daylight. (2-day cooldown)
Spamvig (Night) - Kill a player who is among the top five posters of the last day. If you are targeting exactly the top poster, the attack is completely unpreventable by any means. (2-night cooldown)
Postcount Scan (Night) - Choose a list from Sort By Postcount which was put in the thread during the last day. Choose one: Uninformed Majority or Informed Minority. Choose one: top half or bottom half.
At the end of the night, you will learn the exact percentage of Uninformed Majority or Informed Minority players within the top half or bottom half of the list (depending on your choices). You cannot make the exact same choice twice until you have used every combination at some point.
Eliminate all hyperposters and slankers. The host will determine which are which, and you may communicate with them to learn who you have yet to kill. You do not have to kill them directly. Upon fulfilling your win condition, you will leave the match.

Changed all text to white
Silently kill in broad daylight is oxymoron (it should instead be ‘silently kill a player’)



cultstreim cultstreim culstreim

No, the best ship based on the name is Geystreim.
But I feel bad for Geyde.

Cultstreim is the best ship though, period.


Okay this is the best ship

time to ship it

nothing will ever take away the gun

Italy must always have a gun

i created italy without a gun
but its entire gimmick is that it can never exist

haha le funny corona joke

what makes it even more hilarious is that it has a second use for absolutely no reason

They never learn

Add resurrection ability
Perfect :sunglasses:

god tier design

“When you are killed, you die” is the best and most balanced class ever

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when you realize the wording actually makes suicide bomb immune to lynch