SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2



Neutral Italy
Impossible! (Passive) - You will randomly inherit the win con of Townaly or Wolfaly. If either class is present in the match, this random is weighted against theirs.
Imagine Actually Figuring This Out (Passive) - If you die, you will flip as Townaly or Wolfaly, whichever one whose wincon you did NOT inherit. Additionally, you are death immune to the faction you are aligned with.
Without Fail (Day) - Italy has a gun. Again. Who could possibly predict it? Once per day you may shoot someone, using any command, such as /falconpunch or /dayvig, so long as your intent to kill is clear. Infinite uses
Detonataly (Night) - Kill all other “Italy” classes present in the match. You will additionally kill France or The French King. 1 use

Fulfill the wincon given to you by Impossible!



Italy but without a gun

Town Italy [Social]
Impossible (Passive) - If this class rolls, no variants of The Knight may spawn unless The Italy (336) is in the game. If The Italy is in the game, they may target two people with Interrogate. They will be informed. Afterwards, reroll this slot. This slot can only roll into a Killer or Italy class.




Blue Dragon Feline [Special]

Nine Lives (Passive): If you die during the day or night with at least one life, you will consume it and come back to life. You start with nine lives. You are aware of the number of lives you have, and you can lose multiple lives per night if you are attacked multiple times. Strongman attacks will take away 6 lives. You are weakened with every life lost.

9 lives: You are occupation and redirection immune during the day and night. You are also immune to bleeding. You will be informed if you are occupation, redirection, or bleed attempted.
8 lives: You are occupation and redirection immune during the day and night. You are also immune to bleeding.
7 lives: You are occupation and redirection immune during the day and night.
6 lives: You are occupation and redirection immune during the day.
5 lives: You are no longer occupation or redirection immune.
4 lives: You require one less vote to be executed.
3 lives: Your dayvig has a 33% chance of failing, killing nobody.
2 lives: Your dayvig has a 50% chance of backfiring, consuming a life. (It will no longer have a 33% chance of failing)
1 life: You will bleed yourself, and become unable to be targeted by any protective or healing abilities. (Your dayvig still has a 50% chance of backfiring)

confused katze noises (Passive): Naturally scummy, you are an omnimiller. You show up as Special for class type checks, because you are special. Additionally, if you target a catgirl with any ability, you will join the La Soleil Cafe. Finally, you have a single use of a dayvig you must use each day. To do so, type /dayvig (player name). If you do not do this, you will have an 87% chance of shooting yourself.
Family of Throwers (Passive): If @Chloe and/or @anon97870008 are in the game, you will be neighborized with them. You must insult them in the neighborhood at least once per cycle, or the neighborhood will disband.
Very Effective FPS (Day): If you convince a player that you have an ability that you do not have, you will learn one piece of information about that player. This information will either be useless, or false. - infinite uses, can be used multiple times per day
SFoL 60 (Day): Gain the first day ability from a randomly selected class in the Grand Idea V2 thread. If the randomly selected class has no day ability, reroll until a day ability is selected.
Randomizer (Night): Gain the first night ability from a randomly selected class in the Grand Idea V2 thread. If the randomly selected class has no night ability, reroll until a night ability is selected.
airplane go brrrrrr (Night): Take flight in the night sky! All players targetting you tonight will be prevented, bypassing any immunities. You must post a crude drawing of an airplane in the game thread the next day, or be vanillized. - 1 use

Converts into Eye of Arete (755), regardless of the scum faction

chloe requests credit for coming up with the “you are weakened when you lose lives” idea
this is balanced



Town Italy [Investigative]
Still a fucking miller (Passive) - You show as mafia to all investigative abilities. You will appear to perform the factional kill, if there is any. Otherwise, you will appear to visit whoever was killed by an ability used by scum.
Die (Day) - Die. Immediately. Trust me, you’ll find some use for this. Oh, you also modreveal a player’s alignment. But if they’re a neutral killer or lost wolf they appear to be town. Whoops. - 1 use
Poor quality invest (Night) - Check if a player is a member of the uninformed majority. Neutral Killers and lost wolves will appear to be town. - Infinite uses
Probably worse invest (Night) Select up to three players. You will learn if at least one is a member of the informed minority. Neutral Killers and lost wolves will appear to be town. If a Neutral Killer, lost wolf or any member of the Informed Minority is not lynched the next day, you will commit suicide at EoD.
Standard town wincon.




Blue Dragon Support

Bad Player B Gone (Passive) - You are immune to BD killing abilities.

Defeat the scum and harmful neutrals.




Cultseen Italy
Wait What? Why? (Passive) - You will appear as the class you were previously to investigations, even if your class changes.
Without Fail (Day) - Conversion didn’t take away the gun. Input any command, like /falconpunch or /dayvig and a player, so long as this command makes your intent to kill clear. You will kill this player in broad daylight. 1 use
Memery in the Chat (Night) - Sends an anonymous message to the Cultseen chat. Infinite uses

Defeat the Blue Dragon and any harmful neutrals

Converted from any Town and BD aligned Italy variant.



Suicide Boomer

Blue Dragon Killer
I have an immune system (Day) - Undo the lockdown because you are incredibly intelligent. You and players directly adjacent to you on the playerlist will die. - 2 Uses

Defeat all threats to the uninformed majority.



Suicide Bomb

Blue Dragon Killer
Bomb (Passive) - If you are killed by a non-lynch killing ability, you will die.

Defeat all threats to the uninformed majority.



Bulletproof unconvertable IC perfect rolecop w/ two shot conditional vigilante

Blue Dragon Bullshit [special]
No Allegience (Passive) - You are bulletproof and conversion immune. You do not count as Blue Dragon for the purposes of parity. You do not keep this passive upon class change.
Royal Blood I guess (Passive) - If there is a king election, you automatically win that election. You crown into the Cowardly King.

Silence (Day) - Occupy the King for the day :crown: - 1 use
Ballot Mixing (Day) - Instantly confirm yourself as the Pretender because this ability is pointless otherwise. :crown: - 3 uses

Blood Test (Night) - Discover a players class type pairing and whether or not they have Royal Blood. - inf uses
Kinslayer (Night) - Attack a player with Royal Blood, or the King. You must have discovered they have Royal Blood with Blood Test (unless they’re King) :crown: - 2 uses
Become the King.



Better Pretender :shield: :fire:

Neutral Offensive
Adversity (Passive) - You are immune to death at night and bleeding while the starting King is alive.
Rebellion (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection and keep this passive if your class changes.
Sabotage (Day) - Prevents the starting King’s ability from taking effect tonight. - Two uses :crown:
Decoy (Night) - Occupies a player for the night. - Infinite uses
Barricade (Night) - Prevents all visits on your target tonight. - 2 uses
See that the starting King loses.

1 Like



Town Killer

Bush Gun (Day) - Turn anyone who mentions or discusses social reads into a Vanilla Bush. If you target someone who is already a bush with this ability, they die instantly instead. - Infinite uses

Defeat the scum and harmful neutrals.



Mafia Italy
Suspicious Duo (Passive) - You always require one less vote to be executed.
Petty (Passive) - All jailkeepers present in game will die N1 no matter what.
Without Fail (Day) - Are you even surprised anymore? Fucking shoot and kill someone, this can be used twice per day, because there’s two of you. If this is used twice in one day, mafia can’t perform a factional kill tonight. Infinite uses
Switch Out (Night) - Kill a player, taking up the factional kill. You are occupation and redirection immune while using this. Infinite uses

Mafia wincon



Demonaly :shield: :fire:

Neutral Italy [Special]
Ritual (Passive) - You may speak and your passives/abilities still work while dead.
Deal Maker (Passive) - You may offer a player anything within reasonable terms. You have the ability to create temporary neighborhoods for the sole purpose of making deals. Everything in these neighborhood is to be kept secret. You must also ask for something of equal or greater value. The deal may be unbalanced, but only if it is unbalanced in your favor (you cannot give somebody instant victory for, say, their vote). If somebody trades you “their soul” then you will be invited to their rolecard, and will have the final say in any abilities they use. At any time, you may type /destroy in your rolecard. If this is done at day, they will die immediately, and if this is done at night, they will die at the end of the night. This is unstoppable and bypasses everything. You only need specify the target if you have more than one person’s soul. You can only take multiple souls if all parties agree. You do not need to offer something you have. (You may offer somebody a one shot dayvig even if you do not have one, as long as the deal is considered fair or in your favor by the host.) If you attempt to take something that does not exist, the host will say in the neighborhood that “The deal could not be completed.”
Examples of things you can trade for:
Abilities, passives, votes.
Most things, these are just examples.
Take at least one person’s soul, it doesn’t matter what you do with it. You can still make deals and play the game afterwards. Do remember that business is kept secret, and you should never reveal the role of somebody you have the soul of.



Blue Dragon Social

Dad (Passive) - Whenever you reply to a post by another player in the main thread with a pun based off what they said, you will get a 1-shot ability with power raising in accordance with how groanworthy the pun was. This effect can only trigger once per day phase.

BD Wincon.



not The Senex

Mafia Social

I swear I’m real guys (Passive) - You can use any ability from a non-unique BD or non-NK neutral class provided that you announce that you are going to use that ability in bold text publicly beforehand. All conditions of the ability in question still apply, and acts as that ability normally would. This passive can only mimic abilities once per cycle, and can’t mimic killing abilities.

Mafia wincon.



The SWAT Team

Blue Dragon Killer

An Average Operation (Night) - Target a player. You have a 75% chance of force commute them and a 25% chance to kill them instead. - Infinite Uses

BD wincon.


Vanilla Town

Blue Dragon Social
Melting (Passive) - If you post more than 100 times in a day, you will die.

BD wincon



Vanilla Town but I left it in my freezer for like 2 months

Blue Dragon Social
Not really melting, but kind of weird anyway (Passive) - If you post 200 times in a single day phase, you die. When you are killed, your killer will become sick and be unable to act the next two phases.

BD wincon.



PG-13 Forum

Neutral Special
No Fun Allowed (Passive) - Whenever anyone swears more than once, says something inappropriate, or talks about politics, they will be marked.
Generic passive name (Passive) - You are bulletproof. You will be overloaded and explode if you try to work with other players to complete your wincon since that would mean you’re a toxic forumer.

Anti-Threadivus (Night) - Kill a marked player. Can kill two players if 4 or more players are marked - Infinite Uses

Kill all marked players. You can’t win d1 or d2 because haha



The Devourer of Gods

Blue Dragon Killer
Second Phase (Passive) - If you die, your flip will be cleaned, and after a day (You will be revived at SoD, so if you die night 1 you will be revived at the start of day 3. You will not be added to dead chat, obviously.) and once you are revived, you will turn into The Devourer of Gods Final Form (838)
You are no god, but I shall feast upon your essence regardless! (Night) - Kill a player. - 1 Use
Standard BD wincon.


The Devourer of Gods Final Form

Blue Dragon Killer
It’s not over yet, kid! (Passive) - You are death immune, occupy immune, redirection immune and prevention immune.
A GOD DOES NOT FEAR DEATH!!! (Day) - If you are attacked tonight, you will kill your attackers, and if they would bypass your death immunity, you will still live. If you would be lynched today, you will not die and will instead kill the hammerer. - 1 Use.
Lasers. Lots of lasers. (Night) - There’s never enough lasers. Kill somebody with your insane amount of lasers. - Infinite uses.
Standard BD wincon.

If 838 rolls it will instead spawn as 837.