Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

mechanics absolutely won JK9 faster but, except in as much as ‘ties rand’ is a mechanic, they weren’t the difference between a win and a loss

starcraft 2 mafia

it’s mafia on starcraft 2

basically ripoff ToS

They weren’t necessarily the decisive difference, but they were undeniably a more significant factor to the outcome that game than the social reads.

hey hey hey
sc2 mafia came first
plus 2.0 beta is a thing

also the misclear and the failure to catch the jk slip were both more significant mechanical pieces of luck for town than the rand

isnt this like

purely social

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I mean buying flowers for your mommy works too

kill me

the mechanical misclear was lucky

but most of what was lucky about it was not misclearing a wolf

if we imagine a world where Wazza/Dat gets lynched, and then Italy/Uni gets lynched the next day, that’s … still an overwhelming town win

wow i wasnt even gonna…

you just went and did it, huh

it’s a failure to follow the game
ergo mechanical luck for town

if they had read my posts, they would have seen the slip, clear as day

ah yes

I forgot about how orange and Priestess got lynched D1 thanks to being redchecked

I wish i never said that

I need a shower
I feel gross

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i don’t think i agree that that’s mechanical?

italy attacking me means they thought i was the JK, which is what i was softing all game

yes, you slipped, but it’s not like the nightkill on us made no sense

are you seriously trying to argue that reading the game is mechanics

i couldn’t be bothered to sift through the thread for jk slips and i think amelia already subbed out by SoN so i was completely on my own

because the slip was so blatant

didnt you say you attacked me because you thought i was JK