Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

The snack mix is great

Regular cheez its are lacking

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I like goldfish

cheez it snack mixes are great

regular cheez it’s are eh

same with chex mix

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The brown Chex mix chips though


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Yes indeed

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anyone watching the mu podcast thing

Derps is :eyes:

Frick I forgot about that.

orange and derps in chat :eyes:

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Am watching now.


Can’t watch it rn anything interesting happen

should people be able to euthanize old pets

Ye or nay




If they’re like sick or in pain yeah

If they’re fine but just old then no

am I a terrible person?


Old as in sick, same difference

zone in chat too

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Someone ask them about lolcatting as town.

I can’t watch with sound

sad noises