Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

italys age is on the clock

at least 3 years old

I pressed “summarize this thread”

Here are the highlights:

Shit people have said

< insert lots of cat pictures here >


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forgot about that LMAO


ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the long-awaited sequel to “Arete is Up Too Late” - Ici is Up Too Early!


you missed discord karaoke party

plot twist: i was also up too late last night explaining a simplified but still lengthy view of Japan post-Meiji restoration
so i am going to go to bed earlier! much earlier!


discord “katze meow” party

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even when i wake up two hours earlier i miss all the cool shit god damn


You missed the rare opportunity to hear Geyde and Marshal sing.
It was indeed glorious.


otherwise…you didn’t really miss much

(it’s actuallly not too bad because even though I went to bed later I got to bed much more quickly, because at this time of the year it’'s nearly impossible to balance weight/heat differentials)

i mean I got to sleep more quickly
i didn’t say that I’m actually going to be awake god damn


important: who is the better singer

(I’m not intently watching thread to see if anstreim actually gives an answer or not)

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That’s the thing: both of them are really good.
Marshal’s voice is top tier, but so is Geyde’s. It would be really hard to choose a better one.

definitely geyde lmao

that’s about what I expected

he can actually… sing

like his cover of hellfire or whatever it was was actually good

I gave like a few ayayas

if i ever decide to reveal my voice i probably won’t have my singing voice to impress the people in the call with to get over my hangups with voicechat through boasting
good to know :^)