Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I’ve already met someone I’d met online and I didn’t kill her, if that’s sufficient evidence.

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You can check me if you think I’m scum.
If you don’t wanna check me, just lynch me now.

/vote Vulgard

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What if I’m a serial killer?

then you shouldn’t tell that 4head

But do you have proof of that

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Neither of them killed me

As we all know, serial killers are required to murder anyone they meet


I remember I was gonna visit Luxy but then I was in a different park everyday

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Three people have asked me where certain items are in this store

Turns out wearing the same colors as the staff here doesnt help much

Even though my hair is fucked up, i have dog hair all over me, and i’m on my phone half the time i’m here

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Fair point

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I just look like the shittiest employee ever lmfao

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I’ve met everyone here irl


No, that’s wrong!




im pinging all banned players :sunglasses:

:flushed: I’ll be waiting

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You’re valid.


Kat nobody is ever visiting florida

Ily but
You live in the worst state


But you get to meet Florida Man.

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