Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

lmao 14?


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i at least waited til i was somewhat mature

what do you think the odds are that they’re actually just lying about it?

pretty high

T-They’re not lying about it
Trust me

did you walk in on them :eyes:


I walked in on two girls having a conversation at lunch, yes
It was… detailed

jesus christ

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this is fine


Reminding you that you look bad when you have half of the board townreading you.


that just means they know how it works. they could be making it up on the spot to build themselves up, adding way more details than necessary on reflex to make it seem credible. im inclined to think this is the case.

Wait I played Virtuous :eyes:

you claimed prince again

Oh yes I forgot I had that meta for a while

i love that video more and more every time I see it



Remember that you still owe me, but I’m not going to demand that of you just yet :^)

I guess this is a thing

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