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These are legit. I could try to dig for the full songs.

If you have Karens as your parents that put on Kidzbop, sure
I’d say when I was 13 I was quite aware and so were people in my class


they sounds awful

maybe it’s cuz I go to catholic school

but there were a good number of very sheltered 13 year olds

Oh yeah, or if you’re at a catholic school maybe.
I would tell you some of the things that were said when I was 13 but that’s literally going to break the PG-13 rule.

“I sleep up and I wake.”


I definitely didn’t know as much as some people, at the age of 13

I grew up pretty christian, and only learned things from friends really

High School was when i started to know a lot more, middle school not so much


okay without knowing anything that theyre saying, this isnt horrible. sounds very 90s

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People at 14 rn are literally ‘doing it’ at my school.
I’m slightly concerned.

I think that’s the main issue it shares with most popular pop songs. It’s not horrible when you listen to it, as long as you’re not really listening.

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This doesn’t make much sense, but okay.

You gave a great example with BABY OOOOOHHHHHH.


Wait… is that what pop stands for?

Now I’m actually ready to go to sleep.


i think it makes sense

i dont think pop songs always have to be… popular (even though its kinda the meaning of the word)
there are lots of songs that don’t really fit a genre other than “pop”

i dislike most of em

I mean that’s not really uncommon

I knew of that happening at my school

but I also know of a large amount of people who knew nothing about anything related to that

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but maybe it’s highlighted more for me because that meant expulsion in my middle school

I’m aware because people have large mouthes and believe they have bragging rights.

There is good Polish rap. Just like there is good American rap. It’s just not as widely recognized.

same, but I had no friends :wink:
I learned the stuff in my guide+ time