Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

64 is Duel of the Juggernauts

The Syndicate Shall Return

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Must be a GI turbo we forgot about or something

Oh right, another game that I considered spectating. Thank you for reminding me, I’m way too lazy to check the queue thread even though I have it bookmarked.

things get lowered if one fails review/gets removed

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Fun fact: Lady Gaga can play the piano with her foot

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Vulgod made the Syndicate balanced

With high heels on

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kyo how do you know this and why do I know you’ve watched this at least twice


Kyo when are you going to bed.

Oh trust me I must’ve watched it at least 5 times now

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anyone can

whether she’s good at it is the question


Oh, she’s good

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one in three


I must’ve leaked my email somewhere at the bottom right of an image in a furry screenshot because look at this bullshit

@anon6348071 I am PISSING myself

Someone has signed up to chess using my email with the name ‘BottomRight_Furry’

Kyo listen to me.
Burn that whole email address down.

That whole email address happens to be linked to every store I have paid for things