Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

…“wtf u talkin bout chief”

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like fuck a bunch of people just died why are you showing me this goofy-ass face from Karkat

That’s…pretty much exactly my thoughts

Damn not quoting entire post

that reaction had the problem of undermining the legitimate tension and heartbreaking nature of that scene, and it’s probably the only actually bad part of Act 5 Act 2

like they had to go back afterwards to make [blank]'s death mean something, pretty much

It’s like 3:47
I can geek more about homestuck later but I’m currently homestuck already

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Best Geyde pfp is back.

he has become lying darkness
destroyer of balance

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geyde back to lying darkness

life is good

Katze, you still here?

He is, what for?


Can I get a hug? I think I need one.



you can get two hugs though

double hug

what’s wrong :frowning:


Eh, it’s just a general feeling of melancholy because of what my life is. Transitioning into adulting hurts, mostly because I have little time to do anything I actually WANT to do. I’m not passionate about my work and my uni, since I see both as duties, especially uni.

And it kinda sucks, because I want to achieve something, get somewhere, do something I care about. But I’m gonna be stuck like this for years in a deteriorating country. And that’s not very comforting.


It’s kinda like… work, eat, learn, sleep, rinse repeat for most days of the week, with rather occasional resting and socializing. It’s boring. In the long-term, it’s devastating to my mental state. No wonder I’ve been fwehing so often.


You always have us Vulgard.

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