Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


maybe one day™️


maybe one day™️

in sixth grade my history teacher insisted on seating glasses-wearers in the front ‘in case we forgot our glasses’

this posed a slight problem because I was taller than most of my classmates

I tried to point out that there was literally no way I was possibly going to forget my glasses because I can’t see without them but he was like ‘but what if you forget anyway’


No "maybe"s Kat.

with the way you described your eyesight i think if you forgot your glasses you’d just be fucked, even if you were at the front

ill convince you with my cuteness

I remember that the reason I started wearing glasses in the first place was because when I was a kid, I ran straight into a door. Allegedly I said that “I couldn’t see it.”

No idea why kid!me said that. I can see a door, it’s just blurry as heck…




how would I forget my glasses

I am not very perceptive but I’m perceptive enough to notice that I can’t see anything

The only ones who could convince me

don’t exist :^)

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you ever notice that the only people who actually have glasses prescribed to them
actually look pretty good with them?

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i mean i could forget my glasses because my vision isn’t actually impeded without them (at first, after a few days it starts to get baaad), but that’s far from unique

An unknown person?

That’s true.

my personal theory is that the worse your eyesight is, the better glasses look on you

i have perfect vision and look extremely weird with glasses on

Not quite.
The only person who might know what I’m hinting at is currently asleep.

I’ve always hated wearing glasses, so the switch to contact lenses was a welcome change.

It’s probably because we perceive people who have to wear glasses in a way that glasses are a ‘natural’ part of them, if that makes sense.
So it’s easier to find attractive features that way, hence why you could say that glasses fit them well and they look weird without them.

Also Italy, at least you look good in a plague doctor outfit.


Why didn’t it expand?