Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

no, never, absolutely not

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i would almost always prefer to be cold to-the-point-its-uncomfortable than hot to-the-point-its-uncomfortable


You are climatically insane.

Finally, a man of culture.


In comparison I prefer too hot to too cold

Breaking News: Ami is banned from the very unofficial discord server

being cold is fine because it’s easier to create warmth from cold in the modern world
heat in the modern world is much harder to escape


wait really

which one

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Just piss on the sun

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no, course not :stuck_out_tongue:

mine lol

honestly cannot wait for the fandub of sonic unleashed

because in that one eggman pisses on the earth right at the start

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N, if you’re only not on the discord server because ami you should be fine. i keep her shenanigans in check. like if she messes with you and you want out you can lmk

I predict one running joke about fursonas
I’m undecided on if that’s funny or going to get on my nerves

No i’ll never stay lol.
It’s just fucking hilarious to pop in, respond to the bot’s message to me, and then leave over and over and over again.

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oh there’s no way to avoid that in sonic unleashed

It’s time for my jet to take off again.
Bon Voyage!

however fursona jokes are much funnier when you make them covertly in front of your non internet-savvy family

Of course