Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i mean please dont repeatedly do that. its happened a few times and its like one of the actual rules we have in place oddly enough

I plan to continue to do so occasionally
So feel free to ban me if u want.

I mean yeah okay. as long as it doesnt become a nuisance i probably wont care. i just wanted to say that so you’re not just banned out of no where

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How about this
From now on, i won’t do it more often than once every two weeks

Kanye west

im not going to agree to any hard system. you know what will happen if it becomes annoying, im just going to let you figure out how you’ll handle it

Well, just ping me if u ban me.


kanye east

I noticed that you are back to your beautiful red name after you became green again.
What is going on.

Arete is a chameleon.


I figured out how to stop being green

inconveniently the forum keeps turning me green again

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Cult colors look better on you.

I think green looks better but I digress.

its not easy being red

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Arete red!

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Did you hear that they actually added corruption to the vendor, but corruptions are on rotation?
This is an absolute joke. I’m not even sure if I want to grind, but at the same time it’s an actually feasible way to get your bis.



Yes, I’m about to go to sleep.
Cute duck


this was a high quality post and it only got 1 like how dare yall

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