Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I kinda feel like playing ToL again, but I think I would just get VFRed.

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Okay but I have the perfect post for it already prepared for like 3 days.

okay but i’ve been after this thing for 3 years

Okay but fo you have a post prepared?


i don’t need one
i have hope

Is that the extent of your desire to get a cookie?

Callback to the moment I sniped the cookie by sheer accident.


tol: massclaim meta
forum: hold my beer

If I play ToL again, I fully expect NK to be afk, groupscum to never vote their partners, and king to POINT POINT POINT OR EK.


Massclaiming makes the game less fun on average, unless the setup is well-equipped to make it far from gamebreaking. At least that’s my take.

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Same. But tol has at least some measurements against that
in forums you have it way severe ^^

Or to openclaim, because they don’t want to play the game. LolNK.

I hardclaim Cookie Sniper.

That’s actually pretty rare
Since you normally find these people soon in justice

you’re adorable


I just won an All Any game as Solo CL after begging the Transporter to not save the obvious Mafioso for the umpteenth time.

26 more posts.

I’ll do them all by myself if I have to.

im waiting for you to do them