Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

And I’m waiting for at least 40 more minutes because I’m lazy.


also i just reinstalled win10 ama

Why did you reinstall windows 10?

two reasons

  1. i was having a problem with windows that was moderately annoying that was almost 100% only fixable with a reinstall (atm it seems fixed)
  2. windows was gonna force me to update from 1809 to 1903 and i usually reinstall for big updates anyway, so i just skipped staright to 1909

Play ToL so I can bully you, because that’s the only game I’m even remotely “good” at.

1 Like

but the game is literally just VFR and he doesn’t want that :eyes:

I know but that won’t stop me from pestering him :^)

every day we get closer to the cookie

tol: D2-D4 massclaim meta
fol: D1-D2 massclaim meta

i mean i see quite a few people claim d1?

if d1 were as long as d2 there’d def be a d1 massclaim meta


that’s mostly D1 neut memes, real D1 claims are still rare

Oh god I can already imagine “Prince jail 12 because he’s refusing to claim”.
No thanks.

the amount of real d1 chrono/knight claims i see is astonishing

and d1 prince is basically “im a hunter, prince, or neut” claim

Also claiming Knight D1 as a real Knight is -EV

yea I like it
for both classes it makes sense, since they get easily mislynched

i disagree

an unoutted knight is significantly stronger than an outted one

both chrono/knight are very strong unseen converts

both are easy to mislynch but thats because people lynch off of claims more than anything /shrug

im definitely someone who does this sometimes but thats irrelevant


We’re close.

getting converted isn’t really a thing you have to be afraid of
and while unoutted Knights def are stronger, it’s often better to be an outted knight than a d2 lynched knight :wink:

Tbh, I kinda hope katze gets it.

They’re cute.