Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Public announcement: i will probably return to playing and enter with BfA 2.
Dont expect much from me tho.
I.e. I am basically certain that I will never again reach my former peaks of FoL 23 / SFoL 56 / Marson.

I may play regal lions because amelia is a good friend.
Not sure yet; still contemplating it.

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Can confirm this is still possible

my days and nights have been filled with the sound of waltzing matilda

send help

It’s not orange
You have the regular role

Hippo doesn’t

Veteran role no longer gives TL3 (if it ever did, idk).
Only regular does.
Hippo does not have regular.


That is now a lie, apparently.

he has the badge lmao

Yes but he has no TL3 powers and doesn’t have the private realm

That image isn’t a lie
The badge’s description is a lie.

gee i wonder why

If that’s supposed to be sarcasm, I have zero context.

if you know you know

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that’s a bull philosophy but w/e.

im just saying
if you know
you would know what i mean

yes i know
And im saying that ur philosophy there is bull

i mean
the requirement to get tl3 is like something fuckin unachievable

And im saying that the Vet text shouldn’t be a lie
Either fix the badge or fix the text

why do you thinki said what i said then lol