Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

U said it in a much vaguer way so i didnt understand

It is easily achievable
It’s just manually turned off


just get TL3


I asked marl about this a while back

You can lose the status if you havent met the requirements for over 2 weeks
You cant lose badges tho

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i thought i was a regular i used to have the name descriptor but i dont anymore someone stole it. it was probably someone jealous of my flowing golden hair


i didnt know u cld lose name titles descriptor things

tempted to get patreon to have my title be Big Daddy Hippo but that might be a little too much

do you really want that next to every post you make

u could also probably just ask for it lol

yes, he does
why do you think he wants that to be his title

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I mean yeah but like


you feel me?

i do sympathise
being ironically called Daddy at school was uh
mentally taxing

on the flipside calling people daddy is fun

it was my fault for blurting out the “straight by default” line that a lot of aces go through before the other practical and non-sexy shoe drops that one time okay

as regular you don’t have a special title other than Forum Veteran, or am I confusing something?

then it only takes a few more days before people realise it’s hillarious to call you Daddy in order to make you uncomfortable because the internet has ruined everything

Is my phone just terribad or does everything take eons to process rn?

@N.1 @Ami

Forum Veteran involved getting to TL3

TL3 is lose-able, Forum Veteran isn’t

aka exactly what Priestess said