Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

just to make a point i’m going to kill skeletron without using any weapons

so why do you have them

master ninja gear is good anyway

dodge = op

why would i want to dodge
i can literally punch mobs in the face

I’ve never made it past Plantera

i am excited to play
i want to go farther


Our yearbooks suck compared to US yearbooks.

Well, actually, they just suck objectively.

you are aware that the solar set gives you damn good life regen, right?

i am not aware

I just have to beat wall of flesh

why is this so hard why am I playing in expert mode

just spam the fuck out of molotovs

my character looks neat but its best in motion and i cant record video/make a gif so a picture doesnt really do it justice but here goes:

is that pikachu

you can’t use the spell without the scowl
it’s just not okay

well no, but actually, yes

cute noob ayaya

because expert mode is the only real way to play pre 1.4

master mode existing changes that, i suppose

im not.
both the spell and the dark wings are in my vanity slots

also why do you have the glow so strong

im actually using bee wings

on which part?

the scowl

I’ve been agonizing for hours having fun making a pylon system I’m making little cute houses to put all my npcs in