Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

imagine not using windows

Imagine not using Win 7

before i reinstalled windows i had it pretty similar to windows 7

im too lazy to do all of it again but i nuked a vast majority of the bad win10 changes at least :eyes:

Im too lazy to install Win 10 and nuke all changes
So I simply stay here

windows 7 is still a really good OS, arguably better than 10

i dont blame you

yeah but what do you have in your vanity/dye slots :eyes:

rainbow dye is all that matters

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i already look perfect

i mean living rainbow dye id agree with but static im not a fan of

whats the opposite of ‘ah, i see you are a man of culture as well’?

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i am the ultimate lifeform

i could literally kill a pre-hardmode boss by punching it in the face

that’s not a joke by the way
solar set does contact damage


here’s this before i swapped out the mana flower

don’t ask how the shiny stone is in a vanity slot

because you put it there pre 1.4

why have you not upgraded your shoe spikes

okay if i’m gonna have the shoes on they’re at least going invisible they look terrible

because i never needed to?
i can fly

and this isn’t the baby wing flight
my wings can fly to the top of a small world

when you can fly absurd distances even without your mount and can use wings to just glide

the shoes are kind of just useless

yes but imagine if that was rainbow

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