Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

fuego gato

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Oh, thank you.

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Harlot :sunglasses:

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kat you do realize that that is backwards, right?

thats cat fire


spanish is dumb

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adjectives go last

kat dumb

chleb baka

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i just thought an enforcer nerf that would also be a qol buff

make frenzy a strongman kill that you carry out, but it shares uses with 2F1

it’d make situations like the one anstreim just had not happen while also making enforcer less op but still good probably

thoughts? @anon6348071 @Chloe @arete


ugh thats
more than one sentence

whatever it is i agree

so one-use frenzy

no charges if you convert a knight after using 2f1?

yeah idk what to do about that

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okay but the question is

how many bugs will come up if this is changed


all of them

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haven’t played ToL in a while…but why?

honestly no reason

it just came to mind when i thought about “enforcer wants to frenzy X, but the assassin doesnt listen”

enforcer is prob a top 2 convert but i don’t think it needs a nerf that big

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2f1 is there for balance isn’t it

the theoretical frenzy would be the enforcer doing their own strongman while the assassin does their own kill

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