Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

she’s literally the main host of 3 SFoL’s in a row

Yes that’s right
it’s definitely going to be a longer one


I know, it’s just the fact that there are some games happening between those – but not many.

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Also with Regal Lions I might think about how to improve the setup
as marshal has said before, creating an uninformed majority is difficult

Don’t tempt me into making bad decisions Amelia.

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but anstreim, why make another ToL esque uninformed majority when my Regal Lions and Marshal’s Gaudium Cattus Dynasty are coming up :^)

Anstreim, I tempt you by existing

Phrasing but you aren’t wrong.
Especially since I got to briefly look into Marshal’s setup.

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god damn it now you’ve made me curious

why are you both so cute

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Nuh-uh, you’ll have to wait.

Avatar Spoilers

Azula is so scary because Electric-type is super effective against Water type


Actually you’ve put a terribad idea in my head

Virtuous but it uses regal lion and gaudium cattus dynasty classes

future setup possibly :eyes:

Amelia cease.
You have too many things to work on already.

Wanna co-host with me
If you were ever going to co-host a game, this is the one

Given the time gaps between the setups I doubt that but okay

I’d make an awful co-host, the best thing I could offer is being a spectator/VC bot.

Basically i’ll handle all host duties
But i want u on as a “co-host” for flavour purposes
Unless u really want to play


Good joke N.1

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Ans you doubted your play and SFoL 61 turned out fine before nappy did a thing

Well, you know why I joined.
And I always keep my words. Nappy is still cute though.