Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

what if I just give you some tuna

like who exactly is on the island?

What is the pool of options

If all rich people die, wouldn’t that make you rich

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I do like tuna…

Anyone on the forum

Not if i make sure to burn all of their wealth



That’s not how the system works

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you just inflated the dollar value!

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I would probably eat Arete first, I can then get all their nerd knowledge and become ultimate ruler of the island

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whose alt is this



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but I’d probably never eat any of you I’d rather starve




probably some rando who made an acc for like 3 seconds and never posted

keeping the morale high (and the group of ppl who know each other) is important

On second thought this wouldn’t work I’d be smushed by Dybu

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