Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Mafia is a different ball game then popcorn

I mean, in popcorn gauging peoples reaction is much more effective as they have less time to think. Mafia it’s a little harder, but you can still do it.

I know, but the point is, the gun bearer still has to be a good player for this to work, since obvious wolves have survived LyLo here.

okay can I tell you the funniest subtitle I’ve ever read

Also I’m more talking about discord popcorn here

so, the movie adaptation of Ender’s Game. it’s pretty decent. so we were watching it with the subtitles on, because I talk too much, and so I could get around talking over important dialogue. so, we reach a climactic moment of the film. Ender is sitting in this cave full of aliens, realizing [redacted due to spoilers], and he says… something. I can’t remember what he actually said because of what the subtitler thought would be a reasonable thing to explain to a deaf person:

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thoughtful chittering


Also this is what happens when you try to try hard popcorn

to this day I do not know how the fuck you are supposed to make chittering thoughtful
how is that a relevant description of a sound to any person at any time

thoughtful chittering

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like, the rest of the subtitles were just fairly competent, but out of nowhere the film deadass describes the sound the alien is making, which was just a fucking chittering alien, as THOUGHTFUL


you can take that subtitle and put it over any moment in a movie where there is a pause in dialogue and it will become way funnier
which is of course what we do now


whenever a character is just staring at something, me or my father just have to say “thoughtful chittering” and then we have to pause for about a minute because of laughter


anyway yes
that was the main thing I took away from the film adaptation of Ender’s Game
unfortunately that subtitle is not the same subtitle as the one used on netflix

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although that one does have the simmilarly unhelpful for the hard of hearing line of “formic skittering” about a minute before the thoughtful chittering
i know because we checked as soon as it was added to Netflix just so we could prove it exists to anybody who comes around to our house

I’m imagining one of those dramatic looking out the car window in the rain movie scenes

thoughtful chittering


thoughtful chittering

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good point

thoughtful chittering

I hate this scene so much.

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how thoughtful are you about how much you hate it