Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I would say I’m about thoughtful/10 thoughtful about it.


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try it on me

i’ve heard that the poppy war is p good (currently reading)

if you’re into web serials or just want something to read then Worm is pretty good (i think orange or nuclear recommended this a while ago but it’s still one of my favs) and the author also has a few other web serials that r good if you prefer a different genre

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dude u gotta finish it trust me

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so now you have learned about thoughtful chittering

yooooo maxi wassup

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here are some books i’ve heard r good (haven’t read all but plan to) if u want a wide variety


heya orange, haven’t seen u in a while

nm has changed for me besides going to college next year, wbu?

p much all the same on my end

idr if you heard about how Solar Car turned out or not, and recently made it to Semis in the MU Champs, but otherwise just school and stuff

Starting a new job on Tuesday tho, should be interesting

ye, i remember abt the solar car, that shit was lit

gl on ur new job and stay safe

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You too :slight_smile:

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I have been caught by a girl at my school
I repeat
I have been caught

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@Chloe what do I do

Keep listening to gaga

ask her out

i dont understand what’s going on
you got caught listening to lady gaga?
wtf is bgt
who cares what music tastes you like tho it doesn’t change who you are as a person kpop stans are an exception /s

whyd you cross that out

ngl she has hair that looks like Doja
But she’s not my type
